Outdoor Boilers
We'll keep you warm,
even when you're NOT on vacation.
EZ Boilers
1445 170th Ave.
Hersey, MI, 49639
Factory direct sales
Simple & Strong
Great prices & unbeatable service
#1 in value
Servicing the Midwest United States:
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and others.
(231) 823-2499
Current Boiler Prices
EZ Pro – Heats up to 7,500 square feet
$400 discount if paying with cash
Cash only price $7,999 out the door!!!
(Cash meaning dollars. Checks and debit cards do not qualify.)
EZ Classic
Heats up to 5,000 square feet
$400 discount if paying with cash
Cash only price $7,399 out the door!!!
(Cash means real cash money. Checks or credit/debit cards do not qualify for the discount.)
We do have both models, the EZ Pro and the EZ Classic, in inventory now, ready for pickup or delivery.
Delivery is available!
Up to 300 miles from Hersey, MI for $500.
Financing is available.
Enhancify will work with you to finance all or part of your purchase.Enhancify Financing is an independent company. EZ Boilers is not involved in the financing process. The financial calculator below is a tool provided by Enhancify to give customers a rough estimate of monthly payments.
We had hoped that steel prices would have come back down once the economy got rolling again, but they have not. In fact, they have recently increased again, along with warnings that shortages may occur again soon. The following article briefly discusses the problem.
Since the start of the COVID crisis in 2020, the prices that we have to pay to our suppliers for steel have roughly TRIPLED! Therefore, we have raised the price of our boilers by $1,000 per unit. It takes about 1 ton of steel to manufacture each of our boilers, so every increase in the price of that steel puts a strain on our manufacturing process.
However, we are still committed to providing a quality product at a more affordable price than our competitors. Please compare our prices to theirs. You will see that our boilers are a better value.
We do have delivery available!!!
$200.00 up to 60 miles from Hersey, Michigan.
$2.00 per each extra mile over that 60 miles.
We will unload the boiler and place it where you want it, within the limits of our loader.
You can also easily haul one of our boilers on a small trailer yourself to save what would be an exhorbitant amount of money in freight shipping costs. Our models can even be loaded onto the back of a full sized pickup truck.
We are available 7 days a week to load your new boiler! Just give us a call to set up an appointment.

If you don’t have access to equipment to unload your stove and place it into position, your local wrecker service can usually be hired for a small fee to do the job for you by dropping a chain down the chimney and hooking it to the door opening on the stove. Offer them $100 for a 10 minute job.
EZ-Classic, regularly $7,799.00.
Cash Payment Discount = -$400.00.
Cash Discounted Price = $7,399.00!!!
(Price effective starting July 1st, 2024)
An EZ way to save $400!
(“Cash” means actual cash money. Checks and credit cards will NOT receive that $400 discount!)
The EZ-Classic will heat up to 5,000 square feet.
Pumps are NOT included with the stove.
EZ-Pro, regularly $8,399.00.
Cash Payment Discount = -$400.00.
Cash Discounted Price = $7,999.00!!!
(Price effective starting July 1st, 2024)
An EZ way to save $400!
(“Cash” means actual cash money. Checks and credit cards will NOT receive that $400 discount!)
The EZ-Pro will heat up to 7,500 square feet.
Pumps are NOT included with the stove.
Call to schedule a pick up time.
(231) 823-2499
1445 170th Ave, Hersey, MI 49639
We will load your stove 7 days a week.
We are only a 4-hour drive from Elkhart, Indiana.
We are located next door to the Wolverine Power Co-op.
EZBoilers Prices & Specifications
EZBoilers Aquastat Programming
Free Consultation!
An outdoor furnace is a major investment. We are available 7 days a week to answer your questions. Call or text at (231) 823-2499, 8 AM to 9 PM Eastern time, for a FREE consultation.

The heating season is a long one in the upper Midwest.
Do you want to continue giving your money to the heating fuel company.
Take control and order an EZ Boiler today!
“Excellent value and exceptional performance”
Here is a video posted on YouTube from one of our customers that contains information about operating the EZ Boiler that you may find helpful.
Please subscribe to his channel and check out all of his helpful tips.

EZ Boiler outdoor furnace in action.
Keeps your home warm without the mess of being inside.
Here is a nice short article on the cost of heating a home with different types of fuels. Folks who know the pain of paying for propane know that a wood burning stove can pay for itself quickly.
And as you can see from this next article, propane is the fuel that always seems to increase the most.
Order Now to lock-in your price.
Call or text: (231) 823-2499
Don’t be a slave to the heating company’s price increases!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are concrete pads required?
No, concrete pads are not required.
A firm level ground with a solid concrete block under each leg is all that is needed.

Will the stove corrode?
The stove is made out of mild steel which, if left untreated, will corrode. We use a sodium nitrite based solution for corrosion protection. You can purchase it directly from the manufacturer: Corrosion Control 800 For your convenience, we no longer require you to submit a water sample for testing every year. Simply send us a copy of your dated purchase receipt every year, by email or text, or even old fashioned mail. We will then place that proof in your file in case warranty issues ever arise. On average you will need to add one quart per year, which will be about $30.00. We also keep it in stock at our shop in Hersey, Michigan, if you prefer to pick it up in person.
What materials are used to make the stove?
We use 1/4″ steel in a rounded cylinder shape for our fireboxes. Our water jacket is a round design as well and is 3/16″ thick. The jacket is insulated with spray foam for greater efficiency; and it completely surrounds the firebox. The larger outdoor stove has a large steel 24” x 24” door and is insulated with 2200 degree ceramic fiber insulation. The chimney is 8″ schedule 40 steel, 5/16” thick. Welds are 100% penetration. These are some of the heaviest built outdoor furnaces available – anywhere!
What are the daily operations for an outdoor boiler?
Following simple daily operations will increase the performance of your stove. Everyday, before you load your outdoor stove, you will want to pull the ash and coal pile to the front of your firebox. Make it into a heaping pile, then load your organic fuel on and behind the coal pile. The fire will burn through the coal pile and into the fresh organic fuel, burning coal to ash much better.
Another benefit of raking ashes forward each day is that it will make it easier when you need to empty the ashes, ever 4-6 weeks. The ashes will already be in the front, and more of the firebox is available for heat transfer to the water jacket. This will make your outdoor stove work faster and burn less fuel! If you allow your outside furnace firebox to fill half way up with ashes, you will minimize the heat transfer area and will have a tough time finding room for fuel.
How many square feet will the stove heat and how often do I have to fill it?
The 5,000 Square Foot Model will heat the average home, pole barn (up to 30′ x 40′) and hot water heater. Using good quality fuel, this model should give you a burn time of 15-18 hours in the middle of winter. Spring and fall seasons, the fuel will last much longer. The quality of insulation, windows, type of fuel used, etc. could affect the burning time. We recommend that you experiment with the amount of fuel that you fill the stove with so that it needs to be filled once every 12 hours. It’s more convenient to just pick the same time every day for adding fuel. If you pick 8 AM, it’s easy to remember to do it at 8 PM, 12 hours later.
Because of all of the variables, we cannot tell you exactly how often you need to fill your stove. Ideally, we hope to only need to fill the stove twice a day. However, the amount of fuel to add needs to be adjusted according to the weather. You need to experiment to find the correct amount of fuel for your particular situation. If you aren’t getting a 12-hour burn time, you need to add more fuel. During extremely cold weather, you may have to add fuel more often, but try not to waste fuel by simply stuffing it full regardless of the weather.
How does the outdoor stove heat my home?
The furnace is a burning stove that sits in your yard, usually 50′ – 100′ away from your house. It burns organic fuels and heats the water in the water jacket that surrounds the firebox. The water is pumped through an insulated line that is buried in the ground and attaches to a furnace coil (like a radiator) that is mounted in the duct work of your home.
When your thermostat calls for heat, only the furnace blower turns on, forcing air through the furnace coil and warming your house with the heat created in the stove.
Can the stove begin heating my home as soon as I light the fire for the first time?
No. It is very important when you first fire your stove to allow the water to come up to operating temperature (160° to 180°) before you actually start heating your home or other structure. If you start drawing heat out of the water too soon, the stove will not be able to catch up, and creosote will probably clog your chimney. Keep the water pump(s) operating, but don’t turn the indoor thermostat for the outdoor stove up until that operating temperature is reached. It should take about an hour or less to reach the proper temperature.
Wouldn’t it be better to have a larger water capacity in the stove?
The water capacity of each stove has been engineered for maximum efficiency and operation. A larger water tank would allow the stoves to cycle on and off less frequently; however, during milder weather, the time period between cycles would become great enough to result in a smoldering pile of ashes and wood that struggles to come back to life when needed. It would also cause more smoke and damaging creosote formation. Our stoves are designed to produce a smooth, steady transfer of heat that keeps your home warm and comfortable 24 hours a day.
Can I heat my swimming pool with your stove?
We cannot offer expert advice on this, but it certainly can be done. It just requires an additional heat exchanger designed for heating pools and spas. Here is a link with good information: Pool Heating
What issues have you had with your stoves?
The biggest point of failure is the electrical solenoid. We strongly recommend keeping a spare solenoid on hand in case of failure. This is an inexpensive part which is simple to replace. However, it can prevent the stove from operating correctly if it fails. Routine proper maintenance can protect it.
Why are EZ Boilers’ prices the outdoor boiler industry’s lowest prices?
Most stove manufacturers sell to a dealer who then marks up the price for resale to the customers. We sell our stoves factory direct to the customers, eliminating the middle man dealer, and saving our customers a lot of money.
Why is EZ Boilers the best outdoor boiler?
The price As a manufacturer, we knew that we couldn’t expand our product line to multiple models unnecessarily without sacrificing quality. We build 2 stove models: The EZBoiler Classic and The EZBoiler Pro. These two sizes satisfy the needs of most homeowners and small businesses, as well as hobby farmers, and even larger farms that don’t require all of their buildings to be heated. That choice saved a lot of money in tooling and overhead, and we pass the savings on to our valued customers. It also makes it much easier to concentrate our efforts on efficient design and quality. This makes our product more affordable than any of our competitors’ comparable models. We sell our stoves direct from the factory, with no middleman to drive up the price unnecessarily.
The quality Each of our stoves is handcrafted from start to finish. There are no assembly lines where mistakes can slip through unnoticed, and harried workers can get sloppy when trying to keep up the pace. We use state-of-the-art computerized equipment for cutting the components to precise size, thus ensuring uniformity in each unit produced. However, the same workers who perform that function are the ones who complete the entire assembly process. They are not going to permit any shoddy pieces to be cut, because they are the ones who have to put it all together.
The design Our fireboxes are cylinder shaped, and made out of 1/4″ steel. The surrounding water jacket is also cylinder shaped. The smooth curves promote a smooth, even circulation of water around the firebox, thereby maximizing the heat transfer from the fire into the water.
The service You can call us 7 days a week. You won’t find other manufacturers answering their phones on weekends and holidays. When you come to our factory to pick up a new stove yourself, we stop what we are doing and go over the construction and proper operation of the stove before you leave. We want your ownership of an EZBoiler to be successful, and return maximum energy savings.
We strive to be different from other outdoor furnace companies. Our product is simply a cut above the competition’s.
We are available by phone for free tech support for as long as you own your stove. Feel free to call us 7 days a week including holidays for help. Problems don’t just crop up Monday through Friday, 9 to 5. We put our customers first. We want to be your partner, not just your dealer, and we strive to be the best partner in the heating industry.
Call or text:
(231) 823-2499
Our round firebox has fewer welds than a square or rectangular design, producing much greater strength.
Our firebox is 1/4″ thick, designed to last for years.
Our water jacket is round as well, and constructed of 3/16″ steel. It completely surrounds the firebox, and is fully insulated for added efficiency.
The stove has a 24″ X 24″ steel door, and is insulated with 2200 degree ceramic fiber insulation.
The chimney is 8″ schedule 40 steel, 5/16″ thick.
These are some of the heaviest built outdoor furnaces available anywhere!
Contact us today to learn more about an outdoor furnace. Outdoor stoves are ideal for both residential and commercial applications. We look forward to helping you select the right model for your needs.
Call or text:
(231) 823-2499
Warranty Information
Owner’s Manual
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